"…And the Bag’s in the River" is episode 3 of season 1 of Breaking Bad

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  1. Walt has a flashback. Alternates with shots of Walt and Jesse at Jesse's house.

    Walt has a flashback. Alternates with shots of Walt and Jesse at Jesse's house.

  2. Skylar and Walt Jr. are painting a room.

    Skylar and Walt Jr. are painting a room.

    Location: White residence
  3. Walt and Jesse clean each other after disposing of the body.

    Walt and Jesse clean each other after disposing of the body.

    Location: Jesse's house
  4. Marie is at a shoe shop.

    Marie is at a shoe shop.

  5. Hank at a drug bust, on the phone with Marie. Alternates with the previous scene.

    Hank at a drug bust, on the phone with Marie. Alternates with the previous scene.

  6. Hank takes Walt Jr. to a motel parking lot.

    Hank takes Walt Jr. to a motel parking lot.

  7. Walt is at Jesse's house at night.

    Walt is at Jesse's house at night.

    Location: Jesse's house
  8. Morning shots of Jesse's neighborhood and house.

    Morning shots of Jesse's neighborhood and house.

    Location: Jesse's house
  9. The principal informs Walt's class that he will not be there.

    The principal informs Walt's class that he will not be there.

  10. The DEA examines the cook site and the abandoned car.

    The DEA examines the cook site and the abandoned car.

    Location: First cook site
  11. Walt sits in his car on a highway overpass.

    Walt sits in his car on a highway overpass.

  12. Walt has another flashback. Alternates with the previous shot.

    Walt has another flashback. Alternates with the previous shot.

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