"Caballo sin Nombre" is episode 2 of season 3 of Breaking Bad

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  1. Timelapse of an unknown location.

    Timelapse of an unknown location.

  2. Walt is stopped by a cop.

    Walt is stopped by a cop.

  3. Hank talks to his team.

    Hank talks to his team.

    Location: DEA offices
  4. Jesse stops at his old house.

    Jesse stops at his old house.

    Location: Jesse's house
  5. Hank gets Walt out of jail.

    Hank gets Walt out of jail.

    Location: Courthouse
  6. Saul stops by Walt's apartment.

    Saul stops by Walt's apartment.

  7. Mike is out with his granddaughter.

    Mike is out with his granddaughter.

    Location: Playground
  8. Hank and Marie are over for dinner.

    Hank and Marie are over for dinner.

    Location: White residence
  9. Jesse visits Saul.

    Jesse visits Saul.

  10. Walt cleans the pool.

    Walt cleans the pool.

  11. The two brothers visit Salamanca.

    The two brothers visit Salamanca.

    Location: Casa Tranquila
  12. Skylar is at work.

    Skylar is at work.

    Location: Beneke
  13. Saul talks to Jesse's parents.

    Saul talks to Jesse's parents.

  14. Walt brings pizza home.

    Walt brings pizza home.

    Location: White residence
  15. Walt wakes up in the morning.

    Walt wakes up in the morning.

  16. Jesse moves into his new/old home.

    Jesse moves into his new/old home.

    Location: Jesse's house
  17. Mike plants bugs in the White residence.

    Mike plants bugs in the White residence.

    Location: White residence
  18. Gus gets a phone call in the laundry place.

    Gus gets a phone call in the laundry place.

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